I'm a detective...
and the main character...

He has served as our family
butler for many generations.
His inventions are, um, interesting.
He's an investigative sidekick
sent from the Great Detective
Society. Isn't he cute?

When I have a case to solve,
she appears out of nowhere
to hinder--I mean, help me.
It's funny--all my cases revolve
around her. I guess she's just
a magnet for trouble.

She's made a career out of
chasing The Cornstalker. What'll
she do if she ever catches him?
A thief who mysteriously
disappears into thin air.
His name is so... corny.

He won the mayoral election by
a landslide, but I heard he's in
the henhouse with voters now.
She's a famous designer--
at least that's what she says
she is.

He's a train conductor
who takes his job very,
very seriously.